
Showing posts from February, 2021

Interview with Matthew Caley by Tom Bland

INTERVIEW WITH MATTHEW CALEY Matthew Caley's new pamphlet, Prophecy is Easy , is coming out with BluePrint Press, which follows his collection, Trawlerman's Turquoise . He teaches poetry at Royal Holloway, University of London. He needs no introduction here, his writing expounds on the small details turning upside down into ideas that distort and transform the everyday world. A pamphlet, Prophecy is Easy , of some of your loose versions of French Surrealist/Modernist poets is just about to come out from BluePrint Press. How did this work arise?  Spontaneously. By the usual Jungian chain of co-incidence.  My most recent and sixth full length collection Trawlerman’s Turquois e had come out end of Sept 2019, and I was doing as many readings as possible - tiny bookshops, big festivals, pubs, weddings, bar mitzvahs, both before and after Yule. I had just finished StAnza 2020 in early March, with more gigs to go, on what I [slightly ironically] dubbed the ‘TrawlerTour’, when Lockdow...